I noticed that the financial media began questioning this levitation act late yesterday and again this morning. Even they have temporarily put down the pom-poms to query the dodgy levitation act. One network had an analyst on (I believe from one of the major banks) this morning that was asked if he believed this QE3 rally could last - is it real? His response went something very similar to this "I know it is a fake QE rally, BUT I DON'T CARE. I don't care what the Fed does as long as it makes the market go up."
Let me rephrase that for you: To hell with economic fundamentals; to hell with proper accounting, to hell with counterfeit dollars; to hell with Fed generated commodity inflation; to hell with Fed induced bubbles, TO HELL WITH THE FREE MARKET...we at XYZ bank only care about what will make us money, and that is an ever-rising stock market.
Can this hopium-fueled rally last through Friday? Will Friday's sure-to-be horrible jobs data also be ignored? I guess we have the bankster's answer: to hell with everything, we want our rally!
Trade Date: 8/31/11
E-Mini S&P Trades*
(before fees and commissions):
E-Mini S&P Trades*
(before fees and commissions):
1. No "Secrets" trades filled today.
2. Algorithm positions (35)
3. "Reading the Tape" positions (12) ...combined Secret's, Algo, & "Reading the Tape" total...+6.50
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