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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Rate Hike!


The markets were shocked today when Ben “Benron” Bernanke announced a ¼-point rate hike!  The S&P500 suffered a 2.5% drop on the news. 

Well, uhh, by “shocked” I meant took it in stride.  And by Ben “Benron” Bernanke I really meant the Bank of China.  Oh yeah, and by “2.5% drop,” I really meant a 1 point GAIN for the S&P500.

Oh sure, the European markets were slammed on the news but this is the land of the free…free of economic & financial gravity.  At the shores of the USA all economic & financial truisms, like spending more than you make is a bad thing, stops cold.  It doesn’t apply to us.

Why would China raise interest rates?  Don’t they know that rates can be at ZERO 4evaaah?  Apparently not.  The Chinese central planners must be far behind the curve of American central planners because it looks like the Chinese actually compute inflation based on things that go up in price.  Said another way, they should make like an American economist and simply exclude everything that rises in price like; oil, medicine, food, tuition, health care, etc.  (When home prices are rising US economists do not include price increases, but rather decreasing OER.)

Specifically, China has a property bubble on its hands and wants to deflate it slowly; however, ¼-point hikes won’t do a thing.  Although consumer prices are rising in China, its real problem is asset inflation – commercial and residential property. 

Sound familiar?  Check out this article and the staggering amount and size of EMPTY buildings…and whole cities in China that are vacant.  Here’s a thought: stop overbuilding.

No worries though folks; if China’s bubble pops and brings the global banksters Round II of Financial Armageddon, Zimbabwe-Ben will just print more money. 

No worries, indeed.

Trade Date: 12/27/10
E-Mini S&P Trades*
(before fees and commissions):

  1. No Secrets trades were filled today.
  2.  Algorithm positions (0)
  3.  “Reading the Tape” positions (1) …combined Secret’s, Algo, & “Reading the Tape” total… -0.25

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