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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Monetization Schedule

Thursday is a regular trading day for us non-bank, non-bonus, non-Fraud Street traders. Many of the banksters will take a day off of their regularly scheduled theft of the American middle class, and ya' know what; those fellas probably need a break. Sarcasm/off!
The QE2 schedule was released today where we find out that the Federal Reserve Bank will be monetizing $105,000,000,000.00 of Treasury debt over roughly the next four weeks. Yes, all of that will be purchased in just ONE month...or less.
The money printing schedule follows. Get ready for POMO on steroids, day #1 starts Friday and continues nearly every day for a month!
Vive la liberté des marché markets....uh-huh.
Trade Date: 11/10/10
E-Mini S&P Trades*
(before fees and commissions):

  1. FT buy @ 1:21pm at 1214.75 = -.50 & -1.25
  2. Pivot buy @ 1:53pm at 1214.25 = +.75 & b/e
  3. Algorithm positions (7)
  4. “Reading the Tape” positions (9) …combined Secret’s, Algo, & “Reading the Tape” total… +8.50
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