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Monday, May 3, 2010

Let's Go!

by Larry Levin

Last month was another difficult one; it was very, very slow. How slow was it you're wondering? In my opinion, it was as slow as a geriatric slug on a salted snowed-in street! Yeah, there was no volatility. Last week's trade, however, felt like things were-a-changing.

I have been writing about the problems of European sovereign debt, especially that of Greece, Spain, and Portugal, which caused the market to move last week. As you already know know, the sovereign debt problem on the European continent is going from bad to worse.

Thank goodness we don't have to worry about that here in the USA. After all, if we get into a debt-fix, the Europeans could always, ummm, err, ahh, print up some fresh Euros and help us out. Yeah, that's the ticket.

The statistics of last month were miserable: the trends were non existent. The non-trending CHOP experience that Secrets of Traders identifies as a "#4 type day" occurred 76% of the time last April. What's more, a staggering 12 consecutive miserable #4-days were racked up, and that's far more than a record!

That being said, the market showed a little life at the end of the month. Yes, it took global instability to bring it to life, but we knew that was what was needed given Benron-Bernanke's penchant for spending money - didn't we?

I heard that many new students have traded well in the last few weeks, as well as a few "Secret's Superstars" that really took advantage of the recent volatility. Because of that and more, I am really looking forward to this week. Let's take it to the market..."LET'S GO!"

Previous Day's Trading Room Results:

Trade Date: 4/30/10

E-Mini S&P Trades*
(before fees and commissions):

1) VA buy @ 9:06am at 1196.75 = .75 & .75 (2 lots)

2) FT sell @ 2:12pm at 1190.00 = +.25, +.75, +.50 (3 lots)

2) Algorithm positions (18)

3) “Reading the Tape” positions (16) …combined Secret’s, Algo, & “Reading the Tape” total…+24.75

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