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Monday, June 20, 2011

European Politics

Politics, sadly, are politics no matter where they are practiced.  I guess that is why politicians are losers no matter which country they live in.  It is sad indeed.  
What I mean is this: If you thought only "your weiner" scum-bag politician was the guy that would look you in the eye and tell you whatever you wanted to hear so he'd get elected and then did the exact OPPOSITE thing as he pleased...and it didn’t happen anywhere would be wrong.  
It happens across this once-great nation of America, but it also happens across the Euro Zone; perhaps in spades!  Please consider this piece in the EUobserver that can be read here in its entirety:
EUOBSERVER / COMMENT - Europe seems to have slipped almost imperceptibly in the space of only a few months into an electoral inter-zone, a crack in the pavement of democracy.
The formal trappings of clean elections - in which political parties with competing manifestoes contest a ballot free of voter intimidation - are all still there, but someone else has decided in advance what the result will be.
It's not the voters that are intimidated any more: it's the parties that are.
The count of EU member states now tallies to four - Ireland, Portugal, Finland and Greece - where this post-political phenomenon has materialised, but committed democrats across the Union should wonder which country is next.
This has not happened by putsch or coup d'etat, at least not one involving any guns or tanks. There are no colonels or partisans who have captured the garrisons and seized the telephone exchange.
Yet a junta has installed itself nonetheless, a junta of 'experts', technocrats, those educated in the knowledge of What Needs To Be Done.
These are the experts who, in the words in May of the president of the Eurogroup of states and Luxembourgish Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, believe that fiscal policy (that is to say almost all government endeavours involved in spending money that touch most citizens apart from home affairs and foreign policy) is "too important" for voters to have a say over, that would be better be agreed, again, in his words, in "dark, secret debates."
They rule from a moveable, intangible palace: Sometimes the orders seem to come from Brussels, sometimes from Frankfurt or Berlin, sometimes from a Luxembourg castle or maybe just via a dinner-time teleconference over a dodgy line and lukewarm coffee.
But wherever these masters of the European universe happen to be hovering at any one moment, the refrain in effect is the same: 'Of course, there is no question that you are still allowed to vote however you like. Nevertheless, the policies absolutely cannot change even if the government does.'
And in seeing how easy it is to intimidate democracy, they have now gone so far, it appears, on the verge of decapitating a government.
...Later we read... After months of the country's prime minister, Jose Socrates, refusing to acquiesce to pressure to accept a bail-out for the sake of the wider eurozone, the European Central Bank simply pulled the plug on his economy. (ON THE WHOLE ECONOMY…AT HIS WHIM!!)
One week in April, Portuguese banks announced they would stop buying government bonds if Lisbon did not seek a rescue. Later that week, the head of the country's banking association, Antonio de Sousa, admitted that he had been given "clear instructions" from the ECB and the Bank of Portugal to cut off the tap.
Without the support of domestic banks, Socrates had no choice but to request an external lifeline. Days before, the opposition Social Democrats withdrew their support for the government over an austerity programme they would later sign up to, forcing the minority government into a snap election.
The very day that Portugal finally capitulated, EU and ECB experts demanded that even though the parties were in the middle of an electoral campaign, all main parties sign an accord endorsing the bail-out memorandum, no matter the result of the vote.

"In the context of a difficult political situation and forthcoming elections, it is essential in Portugal to reach a cross-party agreement among the main parties ensuring that such a programme can be adopted in May," said Rehn.

There is a lot more to the article that I linked above.  It’s a good read.  What’s sickening, however, is that the politicians believe they can do whatever they like and get away with it.  

Sadly, it’s the same in this country no matter who is in charge – the left, or the right.  Wall Street already known the outcome: they wrote it in advance for whichever puppet they allowed to win.


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