After my recent post of just who are screwing the Irish people via the so-called “bailout” that include; UK banksters, German banksters, US banksters (including Goldman Sachs of course), French banksters and the Rothschild family among others (the Bailout Mafia), we have more news.
The aforementioned banking scum have “negotiated” (read: demanded/threatened) that any talk of bondholders taking any loss whatsoever be removed from the “agreement” and in the general talk at the IMF and ECB. Prior to today German Chancellor Angela Merkel had promised her people and the world that they would indeed lose a portion of their gambling – but no longer.
In November The Telegraph reported, “Bondholders will discover burden-sharing. Debt relief will be enforced, either by interest holidays or haircuts on the value of the bonds. Investors will pay the price for failing to grasp the mechanical and obvious point that currency unions do not eliminate risk: they switch it from exchange risk to default risk…
“We must keep in mind the feelings of our people, who have a justified desire to see that private investors are also on the hook, and not just taxpayers,” said German Chancellor Angela Merkel.”
Today Olli Rehn, who is the current European Commissioner for Economic & Financial AffairsIreland said: NO. There will be NO haircuts on any of the funds going to the banksters! and ostensibly the new overlord of
“We must keep in mind the feelings of our people, who have a justified desire to see that private investors are also on the hook, and not just taxpayers,” said German Chancellor Angela Merkel.”
Today Olli Rehn, who is the current European Commissioner for Economic & Financial AffairsIreland said: NO. There will be NO haircuts on any of the funds going to the banksters! and ostensibly the new overlord of
In an interview with RTÉ News, Commissioner Rehn said he did not want to involve himself in democratic politics in Ireland but he did by warning “They are key parts of the programme so I would not advise re-opening these.” In other words, Mr. Rehn is now telling the people of Ireland to not install a new government and NOT do what is best for them, but listen to him --- an unelected political hack from the European Commission. Are you kidding me?
What are the “key parts” of the program that Olli doesn’t want renegotiated? Hmm, let me take a guess: pension money. From what I can discern from the so-called agreement, the country of Ireland is being forced to put up the private pension funds of its private citizens to make FOREIGN banksters whole on their own bad investments.
Moreover, this proclamation also warned that any other European country in need of a bailout will also be looted – in total – of its entire private pension funds in favor of the banking scum elite. Once the actual cash is all in the pockets of the Goldman Sachs’ of the world, the self-imposed Euro rulers will allow individual countries in 2013 – ONLY THEN – to default on its debt if needed.
Why would the self-imposed Euro rulers make such a statement? My only guess is that they believe by 2013 the banking elite will have literally stolen all of the assets of these countries that are worth stealing.
I say “self-imposed Euro rulers” for a reason: unelected hacks in Brussels are now telling SOVEREIGN NATIONS what to do. Please watch the following where politician Nigel Farage asks, “Just who the hell do you people think you are?”
In the end Mr. Farage says “But it’s even more serious than economics, because if you rob people of their identity, if you rob them of their democracy, then all they are left with is nationalism and violence. I can only hope and pray that the euro project is destroyed by the markets before that.”
If the government/banking Kleptocracy continues in this fashion, Mr. Farage will be correct: nationalism and violence will reign. Someone MUST tell the banksters to go to hell and eat their own cooking, rather than allowing them to steal from the citizenry of multiple nations.
Let’s be honest folks – the laws of finance do not stop at the shores of the United States. The USA is as insolvent as any industrialized nation out there, except we have the world’s reserve currency, which allows our Ponzi scheme to continue the longest. The day of reckoning, however, will come. It must.
The Madness of a Lost Society shows how people react to save a few bucks. Can you imagine what would happen if the Ireland situation occurred here; if pensions were stolen to hand to the banksters; when the action of the banksters (including those running central banks) runs inflation into double digit territory?
Hopefully Skating with the (b-list) Stars is popular by then. Bread & Circuses, baby!
Watch This:[ “…blind, wonton, stupidity…”]
Trade Date: 11/29/10
E-Mini S&P Trades*
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E-Mini S&P Trades*
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- Algorithm positions (7)
- “Reading the Tape” positions (4)…combined Secret’s, Algo, & “Reading the Tape” total… +2.25
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