Dear Mr. President,
How in God's name do you justify me, as an American Citizen, to pay for some fool's mortgage who bought at the top of the market? I don't even own a home and I have to pay for some loser's bad business decisions? How could you possibly think this is a positive step for our country?
While your at it why don't you just GIVE me a free home as I would love to own a home too. In 2003 I predicted this housing fiasco would happen based on the fake inflation of homes. I guess I should have been one of the idiots to make such a ridiculous purchase. At least I would have my own home subsidized by the US Government and US Citizens. But now as a RENTER I have to pay for another person's mortgage? How could you possibly make this idiotic decision? I am very disappointed in you Mr. President and I voted for you. You have let us down completely with all these bailouts. Let these loser banks and auto companies fail. Let the loser's who bought homes and bought into the hype be foreclosed on. The strong will survive. The weak would have to learn from their mistakes. Hey, will you pay for my bad stock trades over the last few years? I think that's fair don't you? Your bailing out the banks for their bad trades....what about ME?
It obvious you and your administration have no idea what to do. The first thing you should have done is abolish the Federal Reserve which is not even part of the Federal Government! Its a PRIVATE BANK OWNED BY THE ELITE!!!! What country pays interest on money that is just created out of thin air and just for printing it? Do you actually think this makes sense? As long as the Federal Reserve exists please show me how this country could ever possibly get out of debt? Let your best economists explain how......they simply cannot! It is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE!!!
Its hard to believe you believe this stimulus package is going to help. It won't........just look at Japan 20 years later. Mr. President you are taking us down a road of disaster and you cannot control market forces like you actually think you can. Please get a clue....instead of just letting the market crash so we can build from there you are just continuing to let us die a very slow death. Its very frustrating and sad to see you miss the target horribly.
I was really hoping you could do the right thing but there is no difference from when that idiot Bush was in office. You have chosen to go down the same path. Mr. President, your delivery is certainly better but your actions are not.
So Gee thanks for making my life harder and making me pay for another loser's mistake. Thanks for taking more of my hard earned money from this RENTER so I can pay for some loser's mortgage. I guess they'll be happy as I get to continue to rent. Gee thanks Mr. President. I guess I should not have hoped your administration had any common sense and business acumen.
As long as politicians are in office and the Federal Reserve exists we will always be doomed forever!
Gerry Simoni
A Concerned American Citizen
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